Friday, September 7, 2007

Breaker breaker 1-9.

Last post I promise. So tonight at the home opener for our high school football team there was one of the biggest gang fights I have ever seen or had the chance to be a part of. Yes, be a part of. Literally parents and students were jumping over a fence and running onto the football field to get away from the fight. It was like running of the bulls only with weapons drawn. They had to call the game in the 3rd quater (we were up 50-10 anyway). Where was I you ask? Standing in front of the fight keeping the kids at bay til the cops got there. I got hit once. Not on purpose and not hard. We were all locked in the football area for a while until they had no less than 35 cop cars at the school. I watched the kids get maced and RUFFED UP by the cops. Police brutality has it's advantages. I wish you all could have been there. Classic. Rod- beat that for first week of school stories. Here's the news coverage of it. You can see me. It's like where's waldo. I am wearing a red and white stripped shirt. Clip is called "One stabbed at local high school some thing or other..."


john and nikki said...

Sweet! Gotta love the Springfield ghetto! maybe john should get assigned there, it sounds like he would have a lot of work to do!

john and nikki said...

and when is that hubby of yours going to make a post?

Dana and ohana said...

all is well in da hood I see. You just keep showing them that fierce Scandnavian side of you Kirs! Gang memebers are terrified of white girls.

Kirstin said...

I wish my husband would post. I keep telling him to do it. Maybe he'll think this is trash talk and actually do something about it.

Robin said...

Wow you crazy girl! Being that I am the chicken who plays life safe, safer, safest I CANNOT believe you were there for this craziness. I am SOOO glad you're ok but most of all I'm in awe at how cool you are. "Keeping the kids at bay til the cops got there"? I'd have been screaming, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" (This happens to be a classic Reed family joke. You'll have to hear it sometime.)

Anonymous said...

I hope you are okay.
I thought we had some gang problems at my school.... Overall, I think it has been more contained. Nicole, Shannon, Kristine, and Janeen would never recognize their alma mater where I teach. It's changed a lot since I first taught here 2000-2001. This past spring, I had two guys go at in my classroom. I got to the door when the one was chasing my student down who was in my room. The kid in the hall shoved me while my student yanked me out of the doorway so they could get at each other to fight. I could not get my door closed because there was a mob of kids in the hall pushing into my classroom doorway. I got socked by the fighters, blood was spattering, and I held the door until security came to keep the mob of kids in the hall out of my room while the fight took place in my room. My other students were screaming hysterically. My colleagues chastized me for stepping in, but all I could think of was trying to contain the fight so the rest of my students did not get hurt. I had to go to court and the fighters did not get charged with assault. I was shook up for a week after the incident.
What you were involved in was so much worse!!! I am worried about you. Are you okay?
Aunt Lee

Anonymous said...

Oops, I have just learned to blog, and I think I must need to learn through Miss Manners about blogging etiquette. I think I wrote too much. Sorry.
I tried to leave comments with each of my neices who have a blog. When I read their comments pages, I saw how short the comments were. I guess I was too dense earlier to notice the comment length when I wrote to you. Anyway, I could not leave commments for Kristine and Nicole. Lucky them...they don't have a novel to read. Thanks for your patience. :)
luv ya - Aunt Lee

Brie said...

springfield ghetto- remember when HEP thought that you were kinda lying about living in the ghetto- you should send him that...suck on that

Anonymous said...

Ghetto girl!! We should make you t-shirts.

Our blog is easy to leave comments. Not sure why you couldn't. Maybe it filtered you as spam for putting such a long comment. Just kidding, we don't have a length filter. Although if you do put too many links or vulgarities like Viagra, Sex, Cialis and Kirstin, then it might be filtered.

janeen said...

kirstin how can Rod get a job like yours. His week was pretty boring!

ashley said...

you are so hardcore. i love it. i love that your a blogger. i bet the gangstas think you are the coolest.

and thank you for using the word ubiquitous in your blog description, i don't even know what that means. thank you byu-h.

Anonymous said...

My favorite line from the article is, "someone from Sycamore threw down a rival gang member's hat, and it was on." That is great!!!

Anonymous said...

So where was Travis during this whole thing? Did you have to protect him? Hey and tell him WTF for not emailing me yet...what a punk!!