Sunday, June 1, 2008

Send Me On My Way

For those of you who read my last post these past two weeks have been busy for a million reasons. There were 3,000 people in attendance at Mario's funeral. I praised Jesus for 4 hours! If this Mormon thing does not work out I have been assured that I am saved. It was beautiful though and it has brought the community together.

Mario's mother broke out into song. She was amazing!

Varsity players carrying the casket. The players are beginning group therapy soon which was offered as a free service by an outside clinic. So grateful for that. One player received a $10,000 scholarship in Mario's name and other scholarships have resulted from his death. Some good out of the bad. You can just see Travis in the back right hand corner.

The school probably thought it was a good idea to give us a break after that so they sent the Reed's to the senior picnic. Here's Travis and Mr. Rice getting ready to climb the rock wall. He's so hot in that equipment! YOW!

Ok there's me. Ps- it really hurts if you don't have shoes on.

What do white kids do at the Senior picnic? Play ultimate frisbee. Just so happens Mr. Reed is a beast at frisbee. I think it's cause he's tall or it could be that he knocked over high school students to win. Could be both.

Then on Sunday as many of you already know Travis was sustained as the new Bishop of the Ludlow Ward replacing my father. Yeah they made that guy Bishop. So that makes me Mother of the Ward. Yes, he is 28. And no, we NEVER even thought that was a possibility. It was great to hear the audible gasps and several "OH MY GOSH's!" Good news is we had 12 co-workers who came to support him. More investigators than I ever got to church on my mission. One wants to sit down with the missionaries and us and another one has already committed to come to church again and asked for a Book of Mormon.

Travis' Mom, sister Holly, and niece Bailey were able to make it from California. It was a fun visit. Bailey and Brocky had a great time trying to find a bunny that was in the yard during a family cook out. They're totally dating.

We went to New York City for Memorial Day and played on the subway. Good Times.

This is Travis' Mom haggling over a purse. When she actually got the price she wanted she walked away. It was a piece of crap anyways.

Next we spent some quality time with thousands of our closest friends in Central Park. I have never seen so many people there at one time.

We decided to skip the Empire State Building and be different and go up 30 Rock. This is the end result. You would think we had to walk up.

We ended the night with by walking around Times Square. Always interesting when it's late. But it was good trip. We did Boston the next day, but I'll save that for another post.

Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day and is getting ready for summer!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you guys had a great couple of days. I sure wish I could have been there! Congrats....Mother of the Ward! :)

Anonymous said...

This was an amazing trip! My 2nd time to the east coast. It was humbling to see my son worthy to have this responsibility at such a young age. It was so inspiring to see him at school where he knew by name, so many students and proudly introduced them and his co-workers to me. I was in awe as he would tell me the good things about the student in front of them, and see their face light up. It meant so much to them to be recognized, they beamed! I will never forget it as long as I live, I get tears thinking of it right now. Travis and Kirstin, you are both amazing people. I love you so much! Mom

janeen said...

You two are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Getting saved is everything, just ask Uncle Kyle, Katie, Mitch, and me....
Aunt Lee

Brandi said...

FUN trips! I am so sad we won't be there to watch you two be "Father and Mother of the ward" I'm sure it really will be comical! ha ha, totally kidding! Just wanted to tell you to get crazy at Bunco next sad I won't be there :(

Brittany said...

If you're ever looking for a good revival...I've got a few recommendcations back in VA...I'll be happy to take you!

p.s. Have I told you yet how jealous I am of how close you are to so many fun things. You've got NYC, I've got Amish country :)

Kristine said...

wow, looks like you have kept busy.

are you guys taking the summer off from working and school?

have fun and enjoy the ride as Bishop and Mother of the Ward.

Jennelle said...

I am glad the funeral service brought everyone together. We actually have one at BYU-H this Saturday... a boy killed himself in the dorms this past Monday everyone is in a bit of shock.

Wow, looks like a fun trip! I heart NY. I can not believe how many people are stuffed into that park! It is like a bunch of cattle given a grassy hill to graze on. Glad you both got to take a little break from life, that is always a good thing.

Wes, Dawn, Kaytin and Caleb said...

yahoo for blogs. hahah! i felt like such a retard making one up...little did i know there were so many of us out there! i am officially blog stalking you now, as well. i heart you!

Caroline said...

Dear, Hermana Forsberg/Kirstin/mother of the ward - i've been perusing your blog and i think you are amazing. I hope all is going well with the two of you. sounds like you are so busy doing good things and helping so many people and most importantly, kids. keep it up.