Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just your regular Brick Tamland

So if you haven't heard yet it's cold right now. Like really cold.
Back here we have our own weather jargon to determine how cold it is. It's pretty close to science. Each expression is assigned a temperature range and everybody gets it.
It's cold. (40's. I need a sweatshirt.)
It's wicked cold. (30's. Where is my winter jacket?)
It's butt cold. (20's Message received. Winter jacket on.)
What the hell? (10 degrees. Aka what the hell-it's 10 degrees.)
And the temperature for this weekend...
WTF!!! (Negative temperatures. As in why did we move back to New England?)
Hope that was educational. If you have anymore questions just let me know. I'd be happy to explain how things work.


ashley said...

so i should probably not mention that we are having a heat wave and its 80 here?
that is wayyyy to cold.
we have black people here on the west coast too, you should give it a try, you might like it.

Brittany said...

WTF to you to...we hear ya and we're not even in New England or Cleveland for that matter!

Brie said...

what is WTF? can you explain that one to me? sister reed