I admit I have been avoiding updating the blog because something significant happened and I have been coming to terms with it. As some of you may know Travis and I have been unsucessful in trying to get pregnant. I finally worked up the courage to go to the Doctor to find out what's going on and was greeted with some unpleasant news. The Doctors are very concerned about my heart. Apparently I have a flutter and extremely high blood pressure/other heart irregularities that have technical terms I don't understand. They took a lot of blood (and were not gentle about it) put me on a very strict diet, and are asking me to document basically every step I take. I have to visit the nurse's office at school every week to check my BP and some other stuff. At the end of March I will go to the hospital to have further tests done to determine if the blood flows correctly to my heart, blah blah blah.
It's hard because I feel just fine, no different than before. I don't think I ate that bad and I'm stressed, but no more so than at any other time. I do have "heart cramps" which I thought other people got. Guess not. They are concerned because I have similar symptoms to my Dad's A FIB condition. (For those of you who don't know my Dad has undergone 2 heart surguries in the past few years and almost died after they botched his last surgery.) So I'm alittle concerned/anxious/paranoid. And the worst part... they feel very strongly that I should not try to get pregnant now or soon because they don't feel my heart could stand the pregnancy right now. Don't get me wrong, I want to live, it's just somwehat startling and depressing.
The upside: I will lose alot of weight which is always good and I am signing up for every 5k or biatholon in the spring. If I have something to train for I think I will be more motivated during my workouts. I am also signing up for a walking marathon in Maine in the fall. Yeah I'm not that cool, i'm walking and jogging if the occasion arises. My diet is going well although I dreamed about eating potato chips the other night and woke up alarmed. I don't even like potato chips. Bland food is growing on me. And for whatever reason this is a blessing in disguise. I am learning a lot about self mastery and that's something I lack. So there it is. I am fine and I have faith that I will be better if I follow the Doctors orders. In the mean time, low sodium no taste.