Tuesday, September 9, 2008

So here it is...

Dear Friends & Family,
So here it is... recent events have prompted me to write about something I never thought
I would share publicly, however I really feel prompted to put my feelings out there. My hope is that my experience will be of benefit for someone else.
My sweet husband and I have been trying diligently to start a family for quite some time. It has been fun, stressful, discouraging, and heart breaking. We have received conception advice from everyone but for whatever reason we have not been blessed with a family yet. This past June I decided it was that dreaded time of month where I would take a pregnancy test "just in case" and be bitterly disappointed. However, to our surprise it was positive! I didn't want to believe until we went to the Doctor's and they confirmed that we were finally going to be parents. I felt like it was an immediate blessing for Travis' sacrifice as Bishop.
This was the"happiest moment of our lives." We were going to wait and tell our families on Father's Day. We had an elaborate plan to tell each family and were jumping out of our skin trying to keep it a secret. I was almost nine weeks along and I was already planning a whole new life.
And then it happened. I began bleeding. And bleeding harder. And cramping. And all of a sudden nothing felt right. It was two days before Father's Day. I took a home pregnancy test: negative. I took another one: negative. I called the Doctor's hysterical and they made a rush appointment. I knew. They knew. I watched the ultrasound tech as she tried to judge my emotional status and whether she should confirm my nightmare or leave it to the Doctor. She left it to the Doctor. I fell apart on the table. Inconsolable seems like such a small word compared to that feeling. Irrational. Reckless. Hopeless. Angry.
I know I scared Travis and my family with my reaction. I felt like God was being intentionally cruel and I had never had that feeling or thought before. I felt like He didn't trust me. I had a complete absence of hope in my life.
It has taken months to scratch the surface of how this event has affected me. I have learned that for me, talking about it to some people is best. It acknowledges that it was real. Miscarriages feel so tricky because it is something you never really had, just the hope of something. It truly is the "sorrow that the eye can't see."
I feel like after I reached out, many people related that they too had suffered miscarriages or had difficulty getting pregnant. I guess I just wanted someone to tell me how to get through it, how to bear the unbearable. Two things. 1) I have a testimony that fasting and prayer can return hope to even the most hopeless. It may be a glimmer of hope, but it is something to cling to. 2) My sister-in-law Robin (thank you) emailed me an article the other day that really just made sense. It spoke to me. Whether it's true or not, I want to believe it.
It's short and worth reading if you have a moment. I was hoping that the day I finally shared our miscarriage would also be the day I said we're pregnant with a healthy baby. Unfortunately that's not the case, but the reality is that day by day hope and peace creep steadily back into my life and that life continues on. It has been a process. A transition.
I'm not exactly sure why I am writing this post or why I am even able to, but I think this is cathartic. I just want to thank everyone that has prayed for us and kept us in your thoughts. We have truly been uplifted by your faith. It would have been impossible to pick myself up without you.
With much Love, Respect, & Friendship,


Maren and Blake said...

I swear this was the exact story I had. Blake and I too tried for about 2 years to get pregnant. I also got pregnant and planned to share the news on Mother's Day. Just like you, two days before, I cramped up and starting bleeding and lost all control emotionally.

For a glimmer of hope. Awhile longer, I was able to get pregnant with a healthy baby and now I get no sleep. We will keep you in our prayers because I know how hard it is to want something so bad and not get it.

Brie said...

I heart you bff...thanks for sharing something that is so difficult and challenging to share. little kirstin jr and russell jrs will be dating soon...i love you.

The Wyler Family said...

you are an incredible woman!!! i love you and am inspired by you!

janeen said...

Kirsty- thanks for sharing your story! I wish I had words that might be able to help. I too miscarried, but in my favor I already had two kids. I can't imagine the struggles you two have faced but I wish you and Travis all the best and I'll keep you in my prayers. And just so you know, when the time comes, I know you'll be an excellent mom, you just are too cool not to be! And that goes for Travis too, as being a dad! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

You have been in my thoughts. I was just waiting for you to express your grief before I sent a comment to you. I am so saddened that you have had to experience this loss in your life. I just hope that you get as healthy as possible because it would be awful if your heart and life were compromised due to a pregnancy. You are much too precious for us to lose. I hope that a door opens for you in which you will be able to be a mother and your body will not be compromised. I have been so worried about you! I know this may not be an option to consider right now, but maybe in the future it may be - there are so many babies around the world just waiting for good parents to bring them in to their lives to love and provide for them. I hope that you will have peace no matter how you become a parent whether from your womb or adoption, I know that you and Travis will be great parents!!! You have so much to give. It's so hard to accept your going through this. I hope your heart heals, and you may see a rainbow at the end of this difficult road. I am glad you are able to share this with others so you may be comforted at this time. May the Lord grant to you the desires of your heart.
Love and hugs,
Aunt Lee

Eryn said...

Kirstin, I'm sorry for your loss. You'll be in our prayers. The Lord works in mysterious ways, and some day it will all make sense. Hang in there! ... By the way, you'll make a crazy good mom when the time comes!

Kendra said...

Hey girl, first of all you have now come out of the closet on two major issues, your miscarriage and secretly watching my videos... I am soo proud of you!! Of course I remember you!!!!! Anywho- I too had a miscarriage and it took me a whole year of trying before we were blessed with my daughter, but I truly believe all things that are hard, are worth it. I don't know what happens to those little babies, but I feel blessed to have gone through that horrible experience and know that I will feel the reward after this life. Good luck with everything and I don't ever want to hear that you think the Lord doesn't trust you, that has nothing to do with it. I wish I had some awesome adivce to give you, but I will keep you in my prayers!!!
Don't be a stranger, Kendra

Jennelle said...

I am so sorry Kirsten...that is so hard.
I know this isn't the same or anything but I have been struggling with some medical problems that have been ongoing for the last 3 years. It was effecting my life to the point where I even had to quit my job. I too had the same thoughts, like God was playing a cruel joke on me, that he had somehow forgotten about me and that my prayers were in vain. I feel guilty that i ever thought that way. Sometimes life just gets so hard! I have found that as I continue to pray I have more peace in my life and I am able to cope with this situation more than I was able to a few years ago. Maybe because I started to pray for strength instead of a cure. What a difference it has made in my life. I know someday doctors will be able to figure out a solution for me but now I have the strength to get to that day. Thank you for sharing your story, it will reach and help more people than you think....LoVe Ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that the article helped you. I had hoped it would. My little family prays for you in almost every prayer. If we ever forget, one of the kids kindly reminds us and we make sure to add a P.S. to the prayer. You make such a difference in the lives of so many children (all your nieces and nephews including mine but especially your students). You will be an amazing mom when your little ones finally make it to you guys. We'll keep praying and you keep positive. We love you!

amy said...

Hi Kirsten aka Hna. orsberg (I am sorry, but I probably spelled that wrong), this is Amy aka Hna. Richardson. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and think you are amazing. You were always my role model in the MTC. We will be praying for you!

Lisa Woodbury said...

I am so sorry! Thank you for sharing the experiences you have had through such a hard time. I know you guys will be great parents some day!

john and nikki said...

Hey Kirs,

So sorry to hear the news. i hope you are doing better now. if you ever need someone to talk to, give me a ring. hopefully, someday soon you'll be able to become a mom and i know you'll do a great job! til then, just hang in there!

Heidi said...

Kirtsy... I'm just figuring out this whole blogging world, and just realized today that I am able to 'blog stalk' you. I read your most recent post, and cried for you. I love you lots. God does too.
