The Chronicles of a Cluttered Mind
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 366
On the morning Hazel had to leave us, there was a light beautiful snow. It just cleansed everything outside and made the world seem new. Everything had a faint beautiful glow. Since then I have taken snow as a "sign" from her that's she's near and loves us.

Luckily this winter we have had ridiculous amounts of snow as evidenced by our mailbox below. And although I hate shoveling, I can't help but think she's laughing somewhere.
And if you're questioning how she was able to live 7 days let me show you her fighting spirit. This is bath time so she's a little indecent, but it's adorable.
We want to thank everyone for helping us throughout this past year. We could not have made it this far without you. I hope you will go out and do a good deed for someone today, hug your kids a little longer, and tell the important people in your life that you love them. Also, if you need an excuse to eat cake you can say you're celebrating Hazel's birthday. She won't mind.
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Come on- it's obvious why he loves her. She's fun like her older sister.

Father and Mother of the bride and the reason the saying "Pakehas know how to party" came into existence.

And lastly, the most photogenic bridesmaid- me. Jamie is so lucky I am going to be in a lot of her pictures.
All of this just affirms that living is definitely worth the risk. I continue to pray that all of you are well and dreaming big.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Snow Days

In the last two weeks we have only had 4 1/2 days of school due to the snow which means we are getting a lot of extra sleep around here. This is the usual pose you can find Gidget and I in after shoveling.

Lastly, proof that Travis is turning into a New Englander. He is actually considering buying a snow blower after this winter.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Art of Living (Inspired by Alycia Bryll)
And then a month later we found out we were pregnant and this whole journey of transformation began. It was scary and painful, long and drawn out, and completely unavoidable. I handled it by withdrawing from the world. Not standing still necessarily, but standing back.
And here we are now. 2011. There was this sense of excitement that accompanied the New Year. Maybe it was more relief, but it just felt hopeful for the first time in months (maybe years.) This year I am dedicated to LIVING. Not just moving through the motions or counting down the days, but truly living. Allowing myself to breathe, feel, fear, try, be. I look forward to sharing it with you and wish you all a wonderful New Year.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
This week in the news
As a disclaimer: We do not think that rape is funny, but we love their response to something so traumatic. And yes, I have been hiding my husband because they're rapin' everybody out here. Homeboy.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Have you ever been friends with an angel?

In fact, we're the parents of an angel. It's kind of an elite club that no one wants to be a part of, but you are all the same. This week we tearfully welcomed our friends Jim and Helen into that club. For those of you close by you may have been following the news or seen Gus' obituary in the paper. What these articles have failed to mention is that Travis was there.
Oh how we pray for you Adampolous family!
Sweet dreams Gus. We can't wait to see you again on that bright morning of the Resurrection.