Monday, February 22, 2010

Dear Kirs-

Sorry the plasma exchange sucked today. I hope it worked. Good luck with the dialysis tonight. Hope you loose some more water weight...that would be cool. Ma says Hazel is sooo in love with you. Well, who isn't right now? You are my hero. Keep you the good work and get better.

I love you,

p.s. If you get better sooner (rather than later) I will buy you 10,000 Reeses Pieces Eater eggs. Now there's incentive!


Hollands said...

Hazel is so sweet. Thanks for sharing her with us. You all have touched the hearts of many and I know that Kirstin will begin to improve - She has to....... get some rest family and know that we love you all a lot. Travis... have some tea and feel better.

mom48 said...

Travis, I have THE miracle cure for a sore throat.

HOT water
1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. honey
1/4 tsp. Cayenne pepper
Drink this as hot as you can as fast as you can. Repeat as necessary. Usually burns out the sore throat within 1 day.

My kids ask me to make this for them, even as bad as it sounds, becausae it really does work.

Love to you and your family.
Lynn Hampton
Linden, CA