Sunday, September 16, 2007

Nice Day for a White Wedding

So this past weekend we went to Anders' girlfriend's (Nikki) sister's (Bertie) wedding. Odd sidenote: the bride's real name is Roberta Jean aka my Mother's real name which she REALLY hates. Anywho- it was classic. The limo broke down on the way to the outdoor wedding and arrived just in time for some drizzling and thunder. You could hear the bride yelling, "I'm not happy. Not happy!" right before she walked briskly down the aisle. Kids were crying, violins weren't playing. It was something to see. Needless to say nothing deters us Forsberg's from having a good time. We had so much fun watching Brocky get pulled down the aisle in his knickers and news boy cap. He also hit himself with a spoon part of the night and hence had some scratches on his head. Mom and Dad boogied to the anniversary dance and things ended on a fairly up note. Thank You Allen Family and Congrats!


john and nikki said...

Brocky looks so cute in that adorable little outfit!

Brie said...

Ok "brocky" looks like Koebe- that was weird...very cute..and Jim and Robin, so hot this year...and as an update JIM, i still don't shave..

Dana and ohana said...

Ohhhhh he's so stinking cute and BALD! I love him! And Ma and dad...look at you two cuttin' a must have taken social dance. I love it. Sidenote: we went to a wedding this weekend too. It was so blazing hot out that the groom couldn't see his bride because the sun was in his eyes. He stood like a hunchback the entire ceremony. I guess weddings never go exactly as planned. Thats what makes them so memorable.

janeen said...

brocky looks just like anders!