Monday, September 3, 2007

Why I am glad it is the end of Summer

I love my husband. He is extremely talented and useful. But I really don't understand certain aspects of him. He has many interests and passions including: car maintenance, wood working, cooking, concerts, WWII, and of course basketball. However there are 2 hobbies that take over both our lives in the fall, spring, and summer: fishing and golf. Neither of which I get. The man that cannot wait at a red light without verbally assaulting the car in front of him for not making the yellow light, will sit for HOURS (daily if permitted) at the waters edge waiting for a bite. He will come home with no less than 30 new mosquito bites to tell me he can't buy a break out on the water, but that he is going back at midnight because he thinks he'll have a better chance. He will golf twice a day (a round takes four hours at least) walking after a little ball with a group of overweight grown men that can't hit the fairway. He can't even wait in a grocery line at Stop n' Shop. He would rather use the self service stations that you always have to call "customer assistance" for instead of just waiting in a regular line. It's a strong juxtaposition in my mind and I really don't get it. He can't explain it. Neither seem that fun to me and I can't wait until I have my husband home on a Saturday. That's still months away (unless he get's into ice fishing).


john and nikki said...

i am glad you find him useful. i really don't ge tthe golf and fishing thing either. lucky for me john has no time to do either of those things. instead he makes me watch rodeo, car racing, golf and other "manly" shows on tv. men are just weird!

Anonymous said...

does he watch golf and fishing on tv? that is where i would draw the line.

it looks like he knows how to fish, that is a mighty big fish in his hand.

Janeen instituted a new rule in her family. When Rod goes to sports games she gets the same amount of time and the same money amount of money as Rod spent to do whatever she wanted. Maybe that will help Travis to not want to play so much golf.

Anonymous said...

I understand the golf but dang the fishing would kill me!!

Anonymous said...

Sidenote: I see that one of you life goals is to improve your vocabulary and I just got this cheap book from b&n that breaks down the english words with greek and latin roots. It has an easy to follow format and it looks like it has all them big words I wants ta learn (that was my okie typing if you didn't catch it).

Kirstin said...

Lu- I love you. Yes, his fishing and golf obsession does extend to t.v. I got yelled at yesterday for turning the commercial when it was about golf. I want to impale myself with a sharp object when he has it on. I dislike both equally on t.v.

Dana and ohana said...

Jason and Ansen will sit and fish for HOURS on end. I can't get either of themto sit through dinner for 20 minutes. I had to be a boy thing!

Anonymous said...

The boring fishing thing did not originate with me. Of course, the few times we did go we didn't catch anything like the monsters he has caught as an adult. So I think his skill and success are reinforcing this obsession. Like wise with the golf, I am far to uncoordinated for that. My suggestion, just love him and push for equal time. Dad

Anonymous said...

I don't see a problem with this. Sounds like you should support your husband in things that make him happy. Seems simple enough to me.

Anonymous said...

I bought Uncle Kyle his golf clubs as a stress release when we owned our pizzeria because I thought he'd have an heart attack if he didn't have something fun to do. I had no idea how much time it took. When I get jealous of his time away, I remember why he started golfing in the first place. He loves it so much. It makes me happy to know he has an outlet to unwind. He's pretty good at it, too. Maybe Travis should bring his clubs next time you visit.
By the way, I am most impressed that you used the word, "juxtaposition." I consider it an essentail art word to teach students in their vocabulary each year.
Aunt Lee