1. I met my husband on my mission. Elder Reed and I were in the same MTC district, but never served together in Uruguay. My Mission President told me in my exit interview that one of the reason's I was there was to meet Elder Reed.
2. I am not an innate extrovert. I am a great wingman, but I hate meeting new people. Someday I want to be like Buddy the Elf and be friends with everyone.

3. If it wasn't so weird I would go to nude beaches. I like swimming in the buff. I have done hiking in the buff, cliff jumping in the buff, and some other stuff. Yep. One day when the world's a more open place.

4. I just signed up to take diving lessons. I am in charge of the girl's diving team also and really know nothing about diving from a diving board so I figure I should learn. I'll let you know when I get hurt.

5. I love to dance. Anytime, any place, almost any music. I LOVE a good dance party!
6. I know he's a freak, but I love Michael Jackson. He is the King of Pop. I have his music videos and CD's. Just in case I ever have the chance to meet him I have memorized some of his dances.
*If you now hate me more after learning more about me, just remember you choose me as a friend. Hugs not drugs!